Spending some time listening to the weak radio stations (there seem to be a lot ~17Mhz) I can hear a repeating interference pattern. If I look somewhere else, I can see it a lot clearer The attached image is what I'm seeing (It repeats across the wh…
So, I decided to take the SDR and antenna out for a little drive and get away from local noise sources. I was about 30mins out from town in a mainly farming area. Everything was running on a 12v battery so no SMPS noise. Ive attached a photo of the…
@G8JNJ - the current draw from the power supply is 195mA (its fused at 315mA as suggested by Wellbrook) and at the antenna end its getting 11.6v (11.9 into the antenna interface). The loop itself is sitting in the same room as a lot of other electr…
@G8JNJ - Feel free to use the images or generate new images from the SDR (while the EoP is still running)@sv1btl - what was the new cable you used? I've tried using the suggested type RG58C (specifically this one…
Sorry, attached image was not right(Image)
I ran a test with an without Ethernet over power and wow, you were on the money. Left is clearly without EOP. Additionally I was able to make the noise even worse by downloading a large file. (Image)
Thanks for the quick reply. Rotating the loop doesn't have any noticeable impact. An interesting point about the broadband over power. I do use Ethernet over power (The little D-link units), maybe that turns the whole house into a noise emitting cr…