- so far I've blocked the pesky ones from the location "Piscataway, New Jersey":
Being that this is a new scourge to me of recent times and that I'm particularly computer illiterate: is it possible to add a button in admin/status section (beside the 'kick' option) to 'add IP address to blacklist' or a combo of 'kick and add to b…
I've no experience with SSH, putty etc. I'm not really a 'computer person!' as such. Interestingly if I try to connect as a user while it's updating, it says "sorry, update in progress" etc... However after some time it restarts and nothi…
Hi there, My Kiwi ( is stuck on 1.470 despite multiple attempts to force build. Not sure if anyone else is having this problem.
Looks like rx.linkfanel has redone his algorithm so as not to reward those stations with a ridiculously high SNR due to the large and/or numerous masked sections.
Wow! that Spec filter is great. Really cleans things up for listening.
John, I'd just like to say the KiwiSDR is the most enjoyable thing I've bought in recent years. It has re-ignited my interest in shortwave that started as a teen. I have a few SDR's but the Kiwi is my goto one. In my case the wide waterfall is the m…
"Just for the record: The Meanwell PSUs I bought for testing are not at all quiet. It could be that the ones I got didn't perform well. At any rate, I quickly brought the Bel power into use again." In any case, supplying the kiwi with a D…
Being selfish here...Perhaps two SNR values, eg. over last/longer period (say two or more weeks) and a more recent/shorter period (say last week or current period to date)? I understand an average is more meaningful over a longer time, but somethi…
Your work is helping everyone improve their setups (if they are wanting to do so). However, in all honesty I started using the website as well because if gave more frequent readings, graphed and gave noise f…
After a few minutes of DRM use, my Kiwi stops and I cannot communicate with it for a minute or two. This has happened a few times. I can't connect via admin either. No problems via Dream or general use. It maybe a temperature related thing but will …
Yes, that's what I've been doing too. Trickier when comparing antennas with different gain though...
No, not static
I'm beginning to wonder if it's an unfortunate side effect of using a VPN?? Problem went away after switching VPN off...
One inspection of some of the 'Top' ones shows how skewed it is!
It's great to be able to see those SNR and Noise graphs, certainly helpful when experimenting with antennas.
Mine's always noisy on start-up, has been for a year(?)