I think the problem is that is also the subnet being used by the VPN endpoints. Just bad luck that they chose the same network as our VPN did. If it weren't for that it probably wouldn't have been an issue.
Found the fix. It sure wasn't easy to find via Google, but after lots of searches plus grepping through lots of config files, the answer is simple and blindingly obvious once you know what and where it is :-) Just go into /etc/default/bb-boot and u…
Might have found it... apparently BeagleBone creates those interfaces at boot via scripts in /opt/script. I haven't made the changes yet, but this link talks about it. It looks like there are two "autoconfigure" scripts in /opt/scripts/b…
There is something very weird in the KiwiSDR networking. In addition to the eth0 ethernet interface, there are two interfaces "usb0" and "usb1" each with a /24 route -- one of them to the VPN subnet, the other to a different sub…
Thanks much (and sorry for not seeing your reply for a while). I'm trying to stomp out noise issues and by putting the Kiwi in the garage I can shorten the feedline run from ~20M down to about 3 meters and am hoping that will help reduce common mod…
Yes, the multiuser aspect is a problem, but for this case I'm willing to put up with it; we can set to allow only one user at a time if necessary. (We want to put a VHF receiver at our remote ham radio contest location so we can monitor conditions.…
I put in an order with Massdrop two days ago and today got a notice that the product was on indefinite back order and they refunded the amount. Don't know what's up with that.