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  • Inactivity time limit [should be fixed in v1.371]

    Lol. I don't even remember how this stuff works anymore.

    So kiwirecorder has a new option "--tlimit-pw" ("--tlimit-password") to specify the time limit exemption password. That was easy. No server changes required (for a change).

    What was interesting was that I found an old exemption mechanism in the code that I had forgotten about. It doesn't use a password. I must have put that in there when people were complaining about their kiwirecorder sessions being disconnected (on a time-limited Kiwi) before exemption passwords were implemented. But a hacker who discovered this mechanism could use it in an injection session to get unrestricted browser access, which is exactly what you are seeing.

    So the next release will remove this old mechanism and people will have to get the actual password from the Kiwi owner for making long recordings that exceed the time limit (if configured).
  • Inactivity time limit [should be fixed in v1.371]

    Lol. I don't even remember how this stuff works anymore.

    So kiwirecorder has a new option "--tlimit-pw" ("--tlimit-password") to specify the time limit exemption password. That was easy. No server changes required (for a change).

    What was interesting was that I found an old exemption mechanism in the code that I had forgotten about. It doesn't use a password. I must have put that in there when people were complaining about their kiwirecorder sessions being disconnected (on a time-limited Kiwi) before exemption passwords were implemented. But a hacker who discovered this mechanism could use it in an injection session to get unrestricted browser access, which is exactly what you are seeing.

    So the next release will remove this old mechanism and people will have to get the actual password from the Kiwi owner for making long recordings that exceed the time limit (if configured).
  • v1.360+: DRM extension now available

  • sdr.hu is now REALLY closed for non-amateurs

    Read the FAQ (https://sdr.hu/register#faq) and note the emphasis on no commercial, government or military use of the list. Doing some rudimentary checking on ham callsigns is really his only option. Then look at his blog (https://blog.sdr.hu) and the discussion of his battles with the ethics of open source over the years.

    We at KiwiSDR are happy Andr?s allows us to use his work and that he continues to be a Kiwi profit-sharing partner since our startup in 2016.
  • Inactivity time limit [should be fixed in v1.371]

    I'd have to add a Kiwi API call for this. From the browser you can specify the exemption password in the URL. But kiwirecorder takes a hostname/port and not a full URL with query string options. Let me work on this..
  • Update from v1.364 to v1.369 not working [fixed, unknown cause]

    After checking a few things I ran the build manually. It resumed compiling files in the middle of the expected sequence. Like it had gotten stuck or interrupted previously. The build took a long time because v1.364 did not yet cache DRM compiles.

    So I don't know what went wrong. Seems to be fine now.

    Even with the majority of the DRM compiles cached these recent updates take a bit longer than before. Please be patient (although if it's been more than an hour something is wrong). Also, if your Kiwi knows its timezone then updates will now occur in the window 1AM - 6AM local time instead of UTC as before.
  • v1.367

    @Jim v1.369 fixes this problem: If a Kiwi was registering on sdr.hu then when decoupled registration was introduced in v1.365 I forgot to also set registration for kiwisdr.com/public. That's why there are so many purple (inactive) markers on the http://rx.linkfanel.net map currently even though they are actually active (they still respond if you click their map markers). Once they all update to v1.369 the map will return to normal.
  • v1.360+: DRM extension now available

    Yes, in the next release the DRM button will be properly disabled (greyed-out) when DRM is disabled.

    Yes, SAM (synchronous AM) is a placeholder. I figured people were going to be upset enough when I changed the mode buttons (they were) that I better only do it once. Even if it meant using placeholder(s) for anticipated future changes. Depending on your browser if you hover over SAM a tooltip should say "not yet implemented".
  • v1.360+: DRM extension now available

    v1.368 should make Kiwi DRM much closer to the performance of Dream. AGC was missing in the DRM IQ input path. This caused a huge loss of precision for weaker signals.
  • v1.367

    From the CHANGE_LOG file:
    v1.365,366,367  January 10, 2020
        Decouple kiwisdr.com/public and sdr.hu registration.
            Can register on either or both.
            Rename admin page tab "sdr.hu" to "Public".
            API key only applies to sdr.hu
        Allow limited regular connections when DRM active.
        Build DRM files only when needed.
        Consider local timezone when scheduling updates (i.e. 1AM - 6AM local, not UTC).
        Log build messages to /root/build.log file to aid in build failure determination.
        Improve web server caching (more closely follow web caching standards).
        More protection against users making invisible connections and other hacks.